Announcing the 2024-2025 State 4-H Officer Applications

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Exciting news, NC 4-H members! We are thrilled to announce that the 2024-2025 State 4-H Officer Applications are now LIVE! If you have a passion for leadership, a drive to make a difference, and a commitment to the 4-H values of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health, this is your chance to shine.

Why Apply?

Becoming a State 4-H Officer is a unique opportunity to:

  • Lead and Inspire: Represent 4-H at the state level and inspire others with your dedication and enthusiasm.
  • Grow and Develop: Enhance your leadership, public speaking, and organizational skills through hands-on experience.
  • Make an Impact:  Work on statewide initiatives and events that make a difference in your community and beyond.
  • Network: Connect with fellow 4-H members, alumni, and professionals across the state.


To be eligible for the State 4-H Officer position, you must:

  • Be an active 4-H member in good standing.
  • Be between the ages of 14-18 as of January 1, 2024.
  • Have a minimum of two years of 4-H experience.
  • Have past District Officer experience.
  • Demonstrate strong leadership skills and a commitment to the 4-H program.

How to Apply

Follow these simple steps to submit your application:

  • Review the Guidelines: Carefully read the application guidelines to understand the requirements and responsibilities of a State 4-H Officer.
  • Prepare Your Application: Gather all necessary documents, including your resume, letters of recommendation, as well as your video submission.
  • Complete the Application: Visit our official application link to fill out and submit your application form.
  • Submit by Deadline: Ensure your application is submitted no later than June 21, 2024  – 12:00 p.m..

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: June 21, 2024  – 12:00 p.m.
  • Campaigning: During State 4-H Congress (July 22-26, 2024)
  • Announcement of Officers: Thursday, July 25, 2024  – afternoon before evening dismissal

Join Us in Making a Difference

This is your chance to step up, take the lead, and be a voice for 4-H members across the state. We are looking for dedicated, passionate, and innovative individuals who are ready to take on this rewarding challenge.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Daniel P. Collins – State 4-H Specialist and State 4-H Council Advisor at

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow as a leader and make a lasting impact on the 4-H community. Apply today and take the first step towards becoming a State 4-H Officer!

Together, we can make the 2024-2025 4-H year the best yet.

Good luck to all applicants!!!2023-2024 State 4-H Officers