The 4-H Electric Project is conducted by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and its professional 4-H Agents and Volunteer Leaders located in the 100 counties and Cherokee Reservation. Typically, 4-H Agents train their Volunteer Leaders to organize and deliver electric activities for youth in their counties. Approximately 30 counties have 4-H Master Electric Volunteer Leaders who train other leaders on the electric project. Training materials used by 4-H Agents and Volunteer Leaders are obtained from the State 4-H office and the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Specialist responsible for the Electric Program.
North Carolina 4-H Electric Congress is an educational event designed to recognize excellence in the Electric Program throughout the state. Electric Congress travels from region to region of the state, thus allowing for a variety of programming opportunities for everyone. Four-H members participate in educational workshops, meet Power Company Representatives, learn about careers in the energy industry, and interact with other electric winners. Special outings are planned to help youth learn more about their state. Whether in the mountains rafting on the Nantahala River, riding the waves at the beach, or somewhere in-between, the free afternoon at Electric Congress is fun for all participants.
Electric Congress is held for county winning 4-H’ers who participate in the electric program. To attend, youth must be 11 years of age (by Jan.1st). Two county project winners, 2 cumulative record book participants, 1 electric program recruiter, 1 recruiter at-large (if selected), and 1 cumulative record at-large are allowed to attend congress per county. Adult volunteers, agents, and program assistants, are also encouraged to participate in North Carolina’s Electric Congress. New 4-H agents or program assistants are especially encouraged to attend, which is an excellent opportunity to experience and learn more about the program.